Steups, yes i know you all wanna know why i am steupsin'. Its because Saturday night I was hungry so i went to KFC (around 10:45pm) to get sumting to eat. When i was in the carpark i got all happy cause there was only one person in the line, so i said to myself "Yes!!!, ah gettin tru now fuh now". Low and behold when I opened KFC door and i walked up to the counter i saw some Scrawny ass chicken wings u kno wat, I was not even sure those were normal chicken wings it was so small and scrawny, it was like Bulimic Midget Chickens.
I said "Ummm. Excuse me, Is that all the chicken u've got there? or there is some frying?" very calmly. She replied " No! Daiz All we have dey!" in a kinda rough tone. "Yuh Ole Bit*h! You really have to be mad talkin to me like that! I just asked you a question normal and u bit*hin' with me. Steups, Betta had and get yuh flat As$ and get some chicken fryin up in here!" yes ppl all of that was goin on in my mind, but i didnt wanna say anything for ill be contradicting what i said about servers and cashiers an a previous blog so i jus kept it to myself, smiled and walked off. As i was walking off i said to myself "To FU** with KFC, Im going Churches".....
Well i walked down the road to Churches and as soon as I opened the Door and looked in the cooling rack....Guess wat i saw........Sigh.. More Friggin Wings. I said Shit that and I ended up in Subway. I cannot understand y the hell 11pm on a saturday these restaurnats do not have chicken... They only raising their prices and shrinking the chicken. WTF is that all about? I mean well u raise the price well at least sell normal sized chicken not them scrawny ass shit allyuh selling and expecting people to buy...
Le Vin d'Alsace
5 years ago
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